Summerfest Team Registration 2025

Summerfest Details

1st Team Meeting - Sat 31st Aug 2024 (10-4pm)
2nd Team Meeting - Sat 26th Oct 2024 (10-4pm)
Summerfest Program - 7-12th January 2025

Payments are not required when filling out this form
If you need financial assistance contact Josh on 0490165179

$250 for workers
$225 for students
$85 for apprentices 

Pay by 1st December 2024 and use the promo code "EARLYBIRD" to get $20 discount.

Your Details

Working with Children

Allergies and medical information

Christian Life

Summerfest General

Ideas about:

  • what would help you grow as Christian or be trained for a lifetime of ministry! 
  • making the week more fun for leaders, youth, or kids. 
  • how to reach more people with the good news of Jesus


References must be contactable and willing to respond via email to a questionnaire regarding your suitability for serving.  Please ask for permission or inform them that you have provided their details.

Church Reference

Please provide details of someone who works or serves at your church (e.g. Pastor, Ministry leader) who is not an immediate family member.

Character reference

Please provide details of someone who has know you for an extended period of time who is not an immediate family member.

Aims, Beliefs and Commitment

Please actually read this to make sure you agree with the beliefs and can keep the commitment


Long term evangelism

  • To proclaim the good news about Jesus to the Central Coast
  • To support and encourage the ministry of Lighthouse Church

Equip Leaders

  • To equip leaders for a lifetime of ministry



We believe in:

  1. The unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Godhead.
  2. The sovereignty of God in creation, providence, revelation, redemption and final judgment.
  3. The divine inspiration and infallibility of Holy Scripture, as originally given, and its supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  4. The universal sinfulness and guilt of human nature since the fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation.
  5. Redemption from the guilt, penalty, and power of sin, only through the sacrificial death, as our representative and substitute, of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God.
  6. The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
  7. The necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit to make the death of Christ effective in the individual sinner, granting them repentance to God and faith in Jesus Christ.
  8. The justification of the sinner by the grace of God, through faith in Christ alone.
  9. The indwelling work of the Holy Spirit in the believer.
  10. The one holy universal church which is the body of Christ to which all true believers belong.
  11. The expectation of the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ.



If I am accepted as a Lighthouse Summerfest team member I agree that:

  1. I will work towards Summerfest's long term evangelism aims.
  2. I have read, understood, believe and am prepared to teach the truths contained in the Summerfest beliefs
  3. I will attend all team preparation meetings. If a genuine reason means I'm unable to attend I'll inform the team leaders in advance.
  4. I will work under, support and accept the authority of the team leaders, section leaders, and camp parents, and agree to abide by the team rules (including lights out).
  5. I will pray regularly for the team, Summerfest, and for those with whom we will share the gospel.
  6. I will lead a self-disciplined life, both before and during mission, especially in the areas of my personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, my prayer life, and personal Bible study.
  7. I will attend mission for its entire duration and attend all aspects of Summerfest during the week.
  8. I will undertake all necessary preparation conscientiously.

I have read the Summerfest aims, beliefs and personal commitment, and commit myself to them. I authorise you to contact my references and other relevant authorities regarding my character and experience. I also certify that all information given by me on this form is correct and true.


After completing this form you will have the opportunity to pay

We don't want money to stop you serving. If you need financial assistance contact Josh:   OR   0490165179